Hi, Sanjay here. I’m building AI startup Vyanly . At Vyanly, we are a lean team with amazing capabilities, skills, experiences and educational background. I'm basically that guy who, when my mom bought me toy cars as a child, would rather disassemble them and build something new than simply play with them. I MEAN I LOVE TO BUILD CRAZY and COOL THINGS. I started my entrepreneurial journey when I was 11 by writing blogs on video games and tried to earn some dollars…. but failed (loll). Then next year, I started a startup and entrepreneurship related blog. Read More


Some crazy things i’have built and building:-

  1. started STARTUP AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP related blog (let’s call it MAYA) at age 12. made some profit !!! then discontinued to focus on school studies, unfortunately, in october 2023, i lose control of my that MAYA domain name to a chinese company who they then transformed it into a "very uncomfortable" site……. will reveal that domain name one day when i will regain control and ownership of that MAYA domain and delete uncomfortable content associated with that website. Read More

building crazy things.

  • For 1000s of years, humanity had advanced on finding gods and hence founded religions. For few centuries now, humanity has been advancing on economic development. I wonder what next after we achieve global economic prosperity. Like, WHAT'S THE NEXT THING WE WOULD STRIVE TO ADVANCE ON ?………..I think, we will strive to become a cosmic civilization !!!!!

  • Wealth creation is kind of a NOBLE work. We should strive towards a society where everyone gets a chance to create wealth for themselves and for society. Read More
  • some things i believe.

    That is All